Saturday, May 16, 2009

Feeding sheep

Lambs playing.

Ewes and lambs.
The yearlings and old ladies.

Last Friday-Monday I was feeding Wagner's (Hidden Valley Farm) Coopworth sheep. Some were in the barn and some were on pasture. There is a group in the barn that still needs to lamb (the ram was sterile and they got bred late.) So there were also babies happening. About 8 or 10 lambed when they were gone.

Now (at home)I'm busy washing neck wool and VMy kid mohair for combed top. (Combing removes all VM and noils.) I'm also busy washing and dyeing good wool for roving.

My new goats are settling in they were runing and jumping last night. Yah!(They had been streased from the long travel.) I've got to go now and set up sheep fence and move them. The heifer and steer need moving too. I also want to put my rams and buck out on pasture. So got to go!

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