The Lord's my shepherd I'll not want.He makes me down to lie in pastures green : he leadeth me the quite waters by. My soul he doth restore again; and me to walk doth make within the paths of righteousness, even for his own names sake...
Commercial ewes
Alice-white Merino ewe
Febee- white Shetland X Merino
Fronzie-white Shetland X Merino
Echo- grey katmoget Shetland X Bluefaced Liecester
Fudge-charcoal Shetland X Bluefaced Liecester
Fuzz-white Shetland X Corriedal/Dorset
Ginny-charcoal Shetland/Bluefaced Leicester X Corriedale lamb
Glamour- white Shetland X Merino lamb
Gavotte- white Coopworth X Shetland lamb
Several other white Shetland X Coopworth ewe lambs will be retained-just have to decide which ones first! ...
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