Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Goat goals

Goat goals:

1. Buy or rent a AAGBA reg. white buck to use for breeding (I did have a buck kid that I bought, but unfortunately he died. )

2. Get 2-3 AAGBA reg. white does from Texas (depends on several factors)

3.If I get the does, then I may AI them next time Carol and Paul do AI (which would probably be in 2011)

4.Figure out what do do with extra Angora kids (There is not much of a market for them and selling them for meat as kids is not profitable. I may keep them and sell them as yearlings for meat, or cross breed some of my does to a meat buck and sell as kids. Or not breed the extra does. Both people that I got goats from do the third option-not breeding.)

5. My max for numbers on the goats will be around 20-30 for over wintering and half colored and half whites.

To see my sheep goals go to: culling/breeding

I do have a few more sheep goals:

1. keep 6 more Shetland mule lambs and 2 Shetland /Cheviots (if I don't like the Shetland/Cheviots I may keep 8 mules instead)

2. Find/get a Texal ram next year for breeding in 2011

3. I'm thinking about buying or renting a CVM ram and if I do I'd breed him to about 5 or 6 Shetland ewes and maybe a mule or two. (I probably won't)

4. If I do I'll breed the lambs to a Texal as if they were mules.

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