Everest (the teaser boy) went in yesterday and in about 10 days the real rams go in.
Sommarang Gilroy-linebred on Greyling. Nice horns and conformation. He is black, fine fleeced (more on the matte side) and carries spots, he will get:
PS23 Dingdong-fawn, silky double coat ewe who may carry spots
PS23 Eastwind-emsket HST, silky double coat
UTS Aran-sheala, very soft fleece
UTS Jelly Drop-emsket, silky double coat ewe who may carry spots
PS23 Funzie-grey katmoget (F1 Jings), very fine and crimpy fleece; horned
PS23 Gloria-white, fine, silky and crimpy
PS23 Glitter-white, fine, silky and crimpy ewe who may carry spots
PS23 Edelwiess-musket katmoget, very silky and wavy, throws extremly fine fleeced lambs
PS23 Daysong-grey katmoget, med. fine and crimpy ewe who may carry spots and modified
PS23 Craigrothie-F1 Skeld. He is white with a pearly, silky, soft fleece. He has aberrant horns and has thrown polled rams. He may get (if I have space):
Sabbath Farm Fontyen -fawn katmoget, med. fine and crimpy; horned (if I don't use Craigrothie she will go to Hector)
Sheepy Hollow Sienna-moorit, very fine, silky and crimpy; horned (she will go to Gilroy if I don't use C.)
PS23 Hector-F1 Jings. White very fine, crimpy, silky, very soft fleece. This ram has a wild streak and is very aloof. He has great conformation and is fineboned with nice horns. He will be getting:
PS23 Flourance-white with a soft, silky, wavy fleece. She is a very petite ewe and may be for sale next year.
PS23 Goldenrod-musket (who I think is also mioget), very soft, silky and crimpy fleece. Nice size on this girl.
PS23 Humphry-F2 Jings. Fawn katmoget with color. Very soft, crimpy and cushy fleece. Nice horns. This little guy is calm. He will be getting:
Sabbath Farm Silvia-grey, silky fleece
PS23 Gardenia-grey gulmoget/katmoget, very silky and very soft fleece. Milky ewe line.
PS23 Easterlilly-white, fine and crimpy fleece
PS23 Huckelberry-F1 Ram (Black) med. dark grey katmoget. Crimpy, silky and fine fleece. Nice horns. This boy is very tame and friendly. He will be getting:
Sabbath Farm Swan- musket, silky fleece. Milky ewe line.
PS23 Ferndale-(F1 Gordon) black/sheala. Crimpy, dense, med. fine fleece
PS23 Forsythia- light grey, very fine and crimpy fleece.
These are the girls about a month ago. Everyone has coats on now.