Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Polled and scurred ram lambs

Fairlight out of Jings and Sabbath Farm Fonteyn. He has absolutely no horn growth! ( I caught all my sheep and goats today to deworm them. )
Funzie the twin sister to the above ram lamb. She has some scurrs or horns starting to grow. They are about 1/2 in long.
Sabbaoth Farm Fonteyn out of Underhill Bothwell and Walnut Rise Janet (Giselle). She is an F2 Holly/Greyling.
Fetlar out of Orion and UnderTheSon Claremori. Horned or scurred?? (Caremori has had a horned daughter.)
Fife a moorit ram lamb out of Orion and SheepyHollow Sienna. He is the same age as the other lambs on this post.

Yeah! I got all my sheep and goats dewomed with Ivomec and got to feel all the lamb's fleece (I have not caught most of them since they were born.) Of the 10 purebred ewe lambs I only have 2 who I don't like their fleeces. All 7 of the purebred ram lambs this year have very nice fleeces.

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