Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sheep and Goats on Holiday!

Looking down from the road to the pasture where the sheep/goats are. Andy, the guy I'm renting this from had the land divided into three pastures for beef cows. He wants to get beef cows again, but hasn't used the land for 10 years. So I can graze it for, at least this year.


Two crossbred lambs getting a drink.

No sheep! They are all up and over the hill.

The bottle babies still stick together and come running to me!

Snooze time. (Crossbred lamb.)

Coopworth crossing sire looking good, er a bit fat. He is the only fat sheep I have, but what can I do!

Sheep! The pasture has a way of disguising how many I have, I think there are just over 200 sheep and goats grazing.
The rest of the pictures are scenery from where the sheep will graze, but isn't fenced yet. (Yes, I'm fencing with temporary electric netting. It is a good work out!)

Andy's farm (the guy I'm renting the land from)

The UCC Church, which is just down the road from where we live. Where the pasture is is the next road over.

I love this picture, it makes me think of the prairie, taken from the top of a hill.

I have to say sometimes I wonder why I work so hard and keep sheep (like in the winter when it is freezing cold or when things go way wrong, like this spring's horrible kidding or when hay price jumps and lamb price dives) and then I remember how enjoyable and relaxing it is to see a happy flock grazing. It is also enjoyable to set up fence and pull weeds (I pulled armfuls of milkweed-poisonous to sheep) in such pretty surroundings. Who else gets to live and work in "vacation land", hiking and sight seeing as part of their job!

And something new and improved, a water tank! I used to use 5 gallon pails, but they  would not work going down a hill so my sheep kindly bought me a present! I like this and am going to be glad to use it on our land too where a hose is hard to reach.