Saturday, March 28, 2009

Diamond's lamb

PS23 Diamond had a big (8 1/2 #) single Shetland/NCC cross ram. She is a smaller ewe (probably 70#.) It would be nice if some sheep had 2 smaller lambs instead of 1 big one! (She needed help with him-I pulled the lamb.) His birth coat looks nice.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Syrah's kids

Buck kid
Doe kid

Syrah had triplets yesterday. She had a buck and two doe kids. One doe kid was stillborn. The dead one had funny ribs as well. I don't know if it is coming from the sire or the dam (Syrah is China's dam.) I won't be using the same buck this fall so I guess I'll find out.

Brownie the last sick sheep is finally better. She started nibbling at hay on Mon. on Wed. she started chewing her cud (and eating full force.) She was off feed for two weeks! I was surprized and glad she made it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Daysong's lamb

PS23 Daysong had a big black AI ewe lamb out of Keir Gordon. I was hoping and expecting white! Oh well, I need more blacks as I only have 2 black sheep. I think she will have a very nice fleece. This ewe lamb weighed 7.5 LBs-the biggest lamb so far this year (in both cross and purebreds.)

Chickadee's lambs

PS23 Chickadee had twin ram Shetland mule (Shetland/BFL) lambs. The black was born about 30 min. before the white.
I wish that this white had been a ewe! If he had been a ewe (s)he would stay!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

more lambs

PS23 Daysong had an AI lamb out of Keir Gordon. It is a huge single (I had to pull it) and it is BLACK I had been expecting whites! It is a ewe lamb too! Also Chickadee lambed-had twin Shetland/BFL (mules) I'll post pictures tomorrow. Back out to finish feeding in the rain.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Good bye little kid

China's buck #1 died in the night. He ended up being rejected by her so he was kept in the house (in the laundry room) and bottle fed. He did not want to eat much and he had trouble breathing as well as his legs being bent and his weird ribs. At least he is not suffering now. If he had made it he would not have had a good life because his legs were so bad.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

China's kids

China and her twin bucks.
Buck #1
Buck # 2

This morning when I fed the sheep/goats China was making the "baby" sounds and trying to get her kid from last year to follow her. She was not pushing, but I decided to see what was going on. (I have had animals in the past not pushing when they are in labor if the baby is not in the right position.) I reached in and the head was back. The problem was the head kept going back and I could not get it out! I called the vet two time for advice. What finally worked was putting the legs back in, then getting the head out and the the legs again. Yeh! one done. The second one was the same, but at least I knew what to do. I started at 10:00 and when I was done it was 11:00. Buck #1 has some weird problems. He is down on his pasterns and his ribs feel funny-almost like they are broken, but they aren't. His back legs look like an animal with rickets. I don't know what's wrong with him, but at least he's nursing. (He will be castrated if he makes it.)

Fonteyn's lambs

Sabbath Farm Fonteyn had twin AI lambs out of Drum Jings.
The grey katmoget is a ewe and the white is a ram. I'm so glad the white is a ram! I wanted another white ram as I want to have a lot of white Shetlands. Whites are so nice.
Ewe lambs fleece
Ram lambs fleece-both are fine and crimpy!

I have one more AI ewe left to lamb and several other sheep and a goat ready to lamb/kid any day. So far I'm pretty pleased with the AI lambs they were all vigorous and nursed on their own. Seinna's were even born in the snow and did not get chilled!

Sienna's lambs

SheepyHollow Sienna had twin AI ram lambs out of Heights Orion.
Ram #1 has a very fine crimpy birth coat.
Ram #2 has a very uneven birth coat. Both are dk. moorit right now and don't look likt they will be modified.
A close up of ram #2's fleece. I did AI with Orion once before and the lambs had uneven birth coats. I did not end up liking their fleeces (the ram's was very inconstant and the ewe's was spongy). I hope these lambs will have nice fleece.
Ram #1's fleece looks promising-very even and crimpy!

Claremori's lambs

Under The Son Claremori had twin AI lambs out of Heights Orion. One is a ram and one is a ewe. They look like they will be fawn or mioget, right now they look moorit, but at skin level the wool is paler.

Milky Way's lamb

This is a Shetland/North Country Cheviot ram lamb out of Minwawe Milky Way. He is a nice sized guy and was up and on his feet soon after he was born. His birth coat is fine and crimpy, but also has a halo of guard hairs. I'm looking forward to comparing the crosses the the Shetland/BFLs.

Friday, March 20, 2009


One of my AI girls, UTS Claremori just lambed. She had twins-a ram and a ewe. Also had my first Shetland/Cheviot out of Milky Way. I'll post pictures later.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dingdong's lambs

both babies

ewe lamb
and ram lamb
Dingdong and her babies. They are Shetland/BFL (aka Shetland mules.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

White doe kid

My white Angora doe "Belle" finally had a doe. Last two times she had single buck kids. This kid was born on Sunday. When I found her she was really chilled-so chilled her legs were stiff. I brought her into the house and held her in the laundry tub, filled with really warm water, with just her head sticking out. Then I hair dried her and gave her a bottle of mom's colostrum. When I took her out her mom was waiting and was all excited to see her baby! Thank goodness she did not reject her. The baby found the milk bar on her own as well.